High quality vacuum cleaners from TMB Group

TMB produces a complete line of industrial and commercial vacuums for professionals, industries and commercial businesses. Handy, versatile, powerful and silent, TMB vacuum cleaners are the ideal equipment for vacuuming and sanitizing environments. The line of special vacuum cleaners includes models for targeted applications: EXTRACT: injection/extraction models, specific for the accurate cleaning of carpets; NUOVA CARPET expresses a new concept of injection/extraction using "dry foam" for washing operations; L18 and L18-3S are professional carpet cleaners to thoroughly clean all textile surfaces (carpets and rugs); REMOTE models are suitable for applications in combination with electric or pneumatic tools, in particular, the Cyclone Dry model offers an innovative system for cleaning the filter and the possibility of removing the waste bag without opening the machine; SABINOX is indicated for localized sandblasting, graffiti and rust removal from various surfaces; PRO BATTERY or PRO Expulsion Pump models complete the range with further versatility.

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